Thank you for your offer to help translate. We appreciate it very much.
We have been considering to translate both (parts of) the website (which includes a lot of documentation) as well as the Embeetle IDE itself. Until now, there was no urgent need, and a lot of other urgent work, so we did not get very far. Parts of the website are available in Chinese, and that’s it.
Is there a particular reason or need to translate to Brazilian Portuguese specifically? I guess this is related to the Franzininho project? ([Board Support Request] Franzininho boards support - #4 by fiaj)
Are you considering translating the website, the IDE, or both?
Adding a translation to the website is relatively easy: we already have some mechanism in place for Chinese. We would have to think about how to handle updates - but then most of the pages are very stable. Also, right now the translations are in the same html file as the original English text, so we might need to change the mechanism to facilitate adding an “external” translation.
The IDE itself currently doesn’t have a translation mechanism yet.