Hi Seacer, Thank you for your interest in Embeetle. We can certainly have a look at how hard it would be to support this board.
Do you have any extra details about the board that could be relevant for us? What kind of flash probe does it support?
I had a look at the unicmicro.com website, but I am afraid there is no english version, and I cannot read chinese.
If all you need is the right compiler, you could try to start from another Cortex M0-based project that is already supported in Embeetle. For example, have a look at one of the Nuvoton boards. In the Embeetle home window, you can select “Download sample project from Embeetle server” and then filter on “Vendor: Nuvoton”.
Are you working for UnicMicro, or is this for an independent project?
All I need is the right compiler ( because nothing changed with cortexM0+).
I will try to start with novoton.
It’s for an independent project. I am in security area, opensource is needed to provod no backdoor in it.but keil is too expensive for code review and bug finding purpose.