Missing data to create GigaDevice sample projects for Embeetle

For the four GigaDevice boards we currently support in Embeetle, GigaDevice sent me a working Eclipse-based project for each of them. Also, GigaDevice forked OpenOCD and made sure that these four boards functioned properly in their OpenOCD fork (see GitHub - GigaDevice-Semiconductor/openocd: A fork of the OpenOCD project, used to build the xPack OpenOCD). That was about two years ago.

I’m currently trying to integrate the GD32W515T-START board that we received from GigaDevice in Nuremberg. I don’t have a working Eclipse-based project for this board. So I tried to figure out another way.

Unfortunately, I can’t find certain files and data, making it impossible for me to integrate this board in Embeetle. More details below.

Downloaded sample projects

On this page (https://www.gd32mcu.com/en/download/7?kw=GD32W5) I downloaded the GD32W51x Firmware Library:

I unpack the library:

Missing data

Unfortunately, the following data is mising:

If GigaDevice can update their OpenOCD (adding a target file for the GD32W515TIQ6 chip) and send me a working Eclipse-based project - then I have everything I need. Alternatively, if GigaDevice has no working Eclipse-based project, they can also send me the compiler flags and a linkerscript.

Please contact me:

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